Applications for scholarships through the Jean Alvater Baker Educational Fund, Albert Kahn and Mary Kahn, R.N. Educational Fund, ERS Charitable Fund, Millie E. Apgar Educational Scholarship Fund for Health Professionals, Gladys Benfield Watkinson Scholarship for Nursing Education (formerly Wingover Scholarship for Nursing Education), Rose Zander Angell Scholarship for Nursing, and Patricia M. Psenisky Nursing Scholarship Fund are now being accepted by the Hunterdon Health Foundation.
All funds provide educational opportunities to individuals pursuing careers in healthcare. However, the Kahn, Apgar, ERS Charitable, Gladys Benfield Watkinson, and Rose Zander Angell Funds emphasize the nursing profession. The Patricia M. Psenisky Nursing Scholarship Fund is for Students, RN’s or LPN’s seeking a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing or a Graduate Degree in Nursing.
Applicants must either be Hunterdon County residents or employees/volunteers (parents/guardians) of Hunterdon Health or its related organizations. There is a common application for the Baker, Kahn, ERS Charitable, Apgar, Gladys Benfield Watkinson, and Rose Zander Angell Scholarship Funds. A separate application is available for the Patricia M. Psenisky Nursing Scholarship Fund.
Scholarship applications and affiliated documents are available for download on Hunterdon Health Foundation’s website. Please mail completed applications to the Foundation on or before March 3, 2025. Recipients will be notified of their award at the beginning of May 2025. For more information, please call the Foundation Office at (908) 788-6141.