Oncology Rehabilitation is located in the Hunterdon Regional Cancer Center.
Many patients with a recent cancer diagnosis and those who have gone through or are going through treatment can benefit from oncology rehabilitation. Ruth Kolody and Kimberly Whiteman are certified lymphedema physical therapists who are specially trained in oncology rehabilitation.
“Physical therapy is here to help people with a cancer diagnosis cope with the early, late, or long-term physical effects of treatment. Using education, manual therapy, and exercise, we empower them to maintain and improve their quality of life during and following their treatments,” explained Ms. Kolody.
Oncology rehabilitation helps to alter the effects of treatment. It can improve endurance, strength, and joint flexibility and minimize cancer-related fatigue. It can also address issues such as pain, swelling, lymphedema, chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy, and its effects on balance and mobility. Home exercise programs are developed and people are helped to return to their former exercise routine safely.
A treatment program can consist of:
Ms. Kolody, Ms. Whiteman and Ms. Alexander treat any adults with a cancer diagnosis. Patients do not have to be receiving treatment at the Hunterdon Regional Cancer Center to benefit from these services. Patients can be seen before surgery, during, and after treatment to utilize the benefits of oncology rehabilitation.
Oncology Rehabilitation is conveniently located next to Hunterdon Regional Cancer Center. Patients with Hunterdon Regional Cancer Center can coordinate their therapy appointments with their treatment appointments. To learn more, please call, 908-237-6040.