Briteside Adult Day Center is located in Flemington, New Jersey. Briteside provides a comfortable, safe, home-like environment with friendly, reliable staff to help older adults (age 55+) in need of some supervision during the day to maintain their vitality. While you are at work or running errands, the highly-trained staff offer activities that enhance cognitive abilities and interaction with others, helping seniors to feel good physically and emotionally.
It is the goal at Briteside to provide a program of social adult interaction with activities assigned to accentuate the positive and encourage independence; to promote good health, nutrition, and overall well-being. The Center provides an alternative for care, enabling participants to remain part of the community and offering caregivers respite.
Every day at Briteside includes a coffee and social hour in the morning, a complete lunch at noon, and an afternoon snack. Participants exercise every day with chair aerobics in the mornings and various other exercises specifically designed for seniors. These activities put a pep in our step!
Our participants also like to play games. Some of our favorites include skeeball and bowling. We also enjoy playing with our giant parachute! A real crowd-pleaser is balloon volleyball. We also make time for table games such as dominoes, Yahtzee, and jigsaw puzzles. Not surprisingly, we sing a lot of the old songs from the ’20s, ’30s, and ’40s. We also learn new songs that we can all sing together.
Benefits to Caregivers:
Benefits to Seniors:
Briteside is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. throughout the entire year.