Please see our virtual tour of the Maternity and Newborn Care Center.
Parenting and Childbirth Education Packet
For more information on Parenting and Childbirth Education Classes, please call Felice Lewaine at (908) 788-MOMS (6667).
The event of a lifetime takes a lot of preparation. At Hunterdon Medical Center, we are a family-focused hospital, and we share your excitement, your concern, and your need for information. Our staff of dedicated nurses, who are also certified childbirth educators and certified lactation consultants, have been with us for many years and are here to help.
Childbirth preparation classes are for expectant mothers and their partners as they prepare for their first birth experience. While not required, most expectant mothers find childbirth class makes the upcoming labor and delivery seem more “real.” Classes are very important in that they teach the couple how to manage labor (including medications, if desired.) They also teach ways to help labor progress normally. More importantly, classes can prepare the mom-to-be for what’s to come – including a tour of the birthing suite where the baby will be delivered and where you will receive postpartum care. During classes, you will see videos of actual births and learn about pain management options. Couples taking the classes together can also bond and share their pregnancy experiences.
At Hunterdon Medical Center, we offer two types of childbirth preparation classes: Lamaze classes (in a variety of formats) and HypnoBirthing® classes. Whether this is your first baby or your third, we have classes especially suited to your needs. From childbirth education to breastfeeding, we’ll answer all your questions, make the unknown familiar, and help you through this exciting time.
Virtual tours of the Maternity & Newborn Care Center are available in English or Spanish. Please follow the link below.
Hunterdon Medical Center’s Lamaze classes are for anyone expecting a baby. The Lamaze classes are very popular among expectant mothers. In the classes, you will learn all about labor and birth. These classes focus on the birth process, and not just about breathing. Comfort measures, a hospital tour, medical interventions, medications, and anesthesia are all discussed. Couples are encouraged to use the comfort measures and breathing techniques that work for them. Whether you choose to use medications or not, these classes provide you with the information you will need to help with relaxation. Working with your body helps the labor go faster and easier. If you plan on using medication, this means getting to that point more quickly.
Click here for more information, or call (908) 788-MOMS.
These classes are held approximately 12 times per year. The weekend classes include everything that is covered in the weekday evening classes but in a different format.
Couples should plan on attending the class as close to their due date as possible. Class times are Saturdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please pack a lunch to bring.
Click here for dates, or call (908) 788-MOMS.
Learn about birth in the comfort of your home! Our online childbirth class is ideal for those expectant parents who can’t attend an on-site childbirth class due to work schedules, time constraints, or medical conditions. The eight-chapter program is an interactive, web-based class that uses videos, personal birth stories, animations, activities, and games to teach all the essential information parents need to know to prepare for their birth. And because we know nothing can take the place of personal attention, once you complete your E-class, you will attend an in-person class which provides time to get questions answered, review, practice your skills, and have a maternity tour.
Our online childbirth class will help you:
Your eClass registration includes:
● Online access for 90 days.
● One on-site labor rehearsal class that will answer your questions and provide more important information. This class is to be attended after completing the online program.
Please try to register for all classes early in your pregnancy so you may completely finish the online component of your class in time for your baby’s arrival. Click here for more information and dates, or call (908) 788-MOMS.
Even though this is not the first pregnancy for either of you, there are good reasons to take a Lamaze Refresher class...
Second and subsequent pregnancies go by almost without notice because you are so busy with your other children. Here’s a chance to devote some time and thought to each other and this pregnancy….a chance to think about your last birth. A chance to get past the “fear of the known” and discuss what worked and what didn’t last time? What will you change this time? What is your vision for this birth? This class will not only refresh your memory but allow you to formulate some goals for your next labor.
Remember that Lamaze skills are “conditioned responses”. This means that you need to review and begin to practice once again, so the techniques are fresh in your mind – and automatic -once again.
Hunterdon Medical Center’s Lamaze Refresher is specially designed for busy families. It’s a single evening class so you only need to find a sitter once! Click here for more information, or call (908) 788-MOMS.
HypnoBirthing® has been offered at Hunterdon Medical Center since 2004. HypnoBirthing® is a different approach to childbirth education and uses hypnosis. It focuses on natural birth progress and is as intervention-free as possible. Hypnosis is a naturally induced state of relaxed concentration in which suggestions are made to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind influences the choices we make, and what we think and feel. This profound state of deep relaxation can be achieved through daily practice. You will be totally relaxed, fully in control and aware of the birthing process and will be able to determine the extent to which you feel the uterine contractions.
The birth will be experienced in an atmosphere of calm and relaxation, free of the fear and tension that cause pain. Your body’s natural pain relievers, endorphins, replace stress hormones that create pain. You are fully awake and involved during your baby’s birth.
The cost of HypnoBirthing® is slightly higher than our regular Lamaze classes because of the special materials used, and the smaller, more personal classes involved. HypnoBirthing® classes are only offered on weekday evenings in a series of five classes, 2 1/2 hours each. Click here for more information, or call (908) 788-MOMS.
Many insurance companies cover part or all of the cost of childbirth education classes. Call your insurance provider to see if this is a benefit for you. Flexible Spending Accounts or Health Savings Accounts may also be used to pay for classes. As you are completing your class registration form, be sure to check the box in the lower right corner to request a receipt.
If you are expecting or planning to adopt a baby, we know you have many questions. Come join us at Hi, New Baby! We’ll tell you what to expect in the first weeks, from bathing and feeding to finding time for yourself. Click here for more information, or call (908) 788-MOMS.
If you are planning to breastfeed or if you are not sure about breastfeeding, this class will provide you with the information needed to make an informed decision. Here’s a chance to get all of your breastfeeding questions answered. Partners, who are essential in supporting the new mother, are encouraged to attend.
Click here for more information, or call (908) 788-MOMS.
Learn how to make the most out of your pumping experience, and ways to make your return to work as easy as you can! You may attend this class before or after your baby arrives. Babies are welcome in class. Partners are welcome to attend, as well.
• Navigating all the types of pumps: which is best for you?
• How to get the most out of your pump
• Things to think about when you return to work
• Challenges you may encounter…and more!
Click here for more information, or call (908) 788-MOMS.
Learn an extraordinary way to calm your crying baby. Expectant and new parents of babies younger than three months will learn step-by-step how to help their babies sleep longer and how to soothe the fussiest infant in minutes…or less!
Click here for more information, or call (908) 788-MOMS.
Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class highlights your baby’s active role in birth. During labor, the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvis levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor and make birth less painful and even pleasurable!
Click here for more information, or call (908) 788-MOMS.
This course is for people who want to learn CPR but do not need a course completion card in CPR for their job. Almost 80% of sudden cardiac arrests happen in the home. 92% of victims don’t survive, often because people around them don’t take action and begin CPR. You can help change this statistic by learning the simple skills of CPR.
This class teaches the lifesaving skills of adult Hands-Only™ CPR, child CPR with breaths, adult and child AED use, infant CPR and relief of choking in an adult, child or infant. These topics can be presented together or taught separately as stand-alone modules. Skills are taught by using the American Heart Association’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows participants to practice on a CPR training manikin while skills are demonstrated in the course video.
This course is ideal for schools and students, parents, grandparents, babysitters and others interested in learning how to save a life. This training is not appropriate for anyone looking for a certification.
These classes are offered by the Center for CPR & Public Access Debifrillation. For more information and for class schedules and fees, please call 908-788-6614 and/or email to register.
Baby Steps Support Group is live and virtual.
BabySteps is a support group where parents can discuss all kinds of issues regarding parenting and relationships. It is a great place to meet other parents and form lasting connections. Classes are now meeting every week on Thursdays from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM. Feel free to join the group prior to having your baby.
Please use the link below to join:
Join Hangouts Meet
Meeting ID
Phone Number ( US ) +1 413-340-2176
PIN: 258 274 701#
A private virtual forum of parents who post their comments, questions, and suggestions to one another. Monitored by an RN with extensive experience in working with families of young children. Simply search for the group, ask to join, and answer the questions posed, and you will be included. Feel free to join the group prior to having your baby.
Breastfeeding Support Group is live and virtual.
This group, which is facilitated by a board-certified lactation consultant, provides nursing mothers a place where information, knowledge, and experience can be shared in a relaxed and caring environment. The group meets monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.
Please use the link below to join:
Join Hangouts Meet
Meeting ID
Phone Number (US) +1 785-380-3327
PIN: 334 066 922#
Toddler Steps Support Group is live and virtual.
Toddler Steps (Children 1-3 years) is a parent support group that discusses issues important to parents of toddlers. It's a great place to meet other parents, too! No registration is required, and the class is FREE! This class meets every week on the third Thursday of the month from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
Please use the link below to join:
Join Hangouts Meet
Meeting ID
Phone Number (US) +1 508-952-0436
PIN: 279 488 498#
This peer-led support group is for postpartum women (birth -12 months) experiencing symptoms of the baby blues, postpartum depression, or other perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Whether you are feeling sad, anxious, overwhelmed, or just not feeling like yourself, we are here for you. You are not alone, Mama.
This group meets weekly via Zoom every Wednesday from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. For additional information, please contact
Meetings on Zoom:
There are two steps to Car Seat Installation: The seat must be installed into the car, and then the child must be fitted into the seat. Because some seats do not fit into certain cars, necessitating the purchase of a different seat, it’s best to have a fitting done before your baby is born. Once you’ve had your baby, we can help you fit him into the seat while you are a patient. Car seats protect best when they are properly installed, but most are not installed or used correctly. Make sure your baby is safe!
The proper use of child car seats is one of the simplest and most effective methods available for protecting the lives of our young children in the event of a motor vehicle crash. The Car Seat Safety Check Program is sponsored by the Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office and is held regularly on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Library Complex on Route 12 County Complex (Hazmat Building) in Flemington. No appointment is necessary for this fitting station.
For more information and specific dates, please call 908-788-1129.