HypnoBirthing® is a different approach to childbirth education and uses hypnosis. It focuses on natural birth progress and is as intervention-free as possible.
The cost of HypnoBirthing® is slightly higher than our regular Lamaze classes because of the special materials used and the smaller, more personal classes involved. HypnoBirthing® classes are only offered on weekday evenings in a series of five classes, 2 1/2 hours each.
Couples should plan registering for classes early in your pregnancy. Our coordinator will place your in the series that is best for your expected delivery date.
Please call Parenting and Childbirth Education Services at (908) 788-MOMS(6667) if you have any questions.
Cost $236.00 per couple or single (insurance often covers part of the cost!). Pre-registration is required.
Register here.