Tribute gifts carry a special meaning as they represent a gift from the heart. If you would like to make a special gift in honor or in memory of someone, please include the person and/or family members and their addresses and we will notify them of your heartfelt gift. The amount of the gift is kept confidential and will only be included with your personal acknowledgement letter.
You can also celebrate life’s special milestones, such as a birthday or anniversary, with a gift in honor of someone to the Foundation. Honorees of these special gifts are always so delighted that their milestone has in turn helped the Hunterdon Health community.
The Hunterdon Health Auxiliary also offers the Lights of Love tribute program. Each year in December, the Lights of Love tree that stands proudly on the front lawn of Hunterdon Medical Center comes alive with thousands of shining white lights. These lights represent donations made throughout the year to honor or memorialize people who have touched our lives in a special way. Please visit to learn more and to purchase your light.